
Meaning of આશ્વાસન in Tamil

  • இணக்கம்
  • ஒருமித்த கருத்து
  • இணக்கமான
  • ஆறுதல்
  • ஆறுதல்கள்
  • பாதுகாப்பான இடத்தில் வை
  • சுற்றிலும்
  • மறுமலர்ச்சி
  • உறுதியளிக்கிறது
  • மண்
  • மறுபரிசீலனை செய்யுங்கள்
  • மீண்டும்

English usage of આશ્વાસન

  • there was consolation in knowing that others were worse off
  • there was consolation in knowing that others were worse off
  • his sister gave him a consoling pat on the back
  • spectators who were once comfortably ensconced in the old stadium's box seats
  • spectators who were once comfortably ensconced in the old stadium's box seats
  • children need reassurance and praise
  • Such objections can reveal the objectors' ressentiment , but they can also contain some truth.

Antonyms of ‘આશ્વાસન

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