
Meaning of કચરો in Tamil

  • பந்துவீச்சு
  • ப்ரேஸ்டோன்
  • தெளிவு
  • நொறுக்குத் தீனிகள்
  • நொறுக்குத் தீனி
  • குப்பை
  • குப்பைபோடுதல்
  • லிட்ரஸ்
  • குப்பைகள்
  • இடிபாடு
  • தேய்த்தல்
  • மோசடி
  • சுக்குநூறாகிவிட்டது
  • பகுதிக்கும்
  • குப்பைத்தொட்டி
  • ட்ரிப்
  • குளவி
  • குளவி போன்றது
  • கழிவுகள்
  • கழிவு
  • குப்பைத்தொட்டி
  • கழிவுப்பொருட்கள்
  • கழிவு பலகை
  • தரிசு நிலம்
  • தரிசு நிலங்கள்
  • கழிவுப்பொருள்
  • வீண் மனிதன்
  • வீணானது
  • வீணாக
  • வீண்
  • வீணானவர்கள்
  • கழிவுப்பாதை
  • கழிவுப்பாதைகள்

English usage of કચરો

  • every edition of his letters and diaries has been bowdlerized
  • the crump of shells could be heard hours later
  • With the exploding populace of the cities and its suburbs, household garbage and refuse is posing a serious threat.
  • clothes and newspapers littered the floor
  • an alleyway high with rubbish
  • he has pointedly rubbished professional estimates of the development and running costs
  • he has pointedly rubbished professional estimates of the development and running costs
  • rubbishy reality TV shows
  • entrepreneurs squander their profits on expensive cars
  • There were photographs stuck to the stone wall, packages with letters, coins, tatters of cloth.
  • they released the first tranche of the loan
  • there was pot, there was booze, but nobody really got trashed
  • there was pot, there was booze, but nobody really got trashed
  • trashy novels and formulaic movies
  • trashy novels and formulaic movies
  • you do talk tripe sometimes
  • he had a waspish tongue
  • the wastage of natural resources
  • they had learned to avoid waste
  • Drifts of paper - treaty drafts, industry talking points, environmentalist press releases - overflowed every wastebasket .
  • It only comes out at the outskirts of the land where the barren wasteland ends and things begin to grow again.
  • It only comes out at the outskirts of the land where the barren wasteland ends and things begin to grow again.
  • you are a great waster of time
  • you are a great waster of time
  • they had learned to avoid waste
  • I have no intention of seeing my dues gambled away by your wastrel of a son

Antonyms of ‘કચરો

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