
Meaning of ખંજવાળ in Tamil

  • நமைச்சல்
  • அரிப்பு
  • ஸ்கேப்
  • வருடியது
  • ஸ்கேபியர்
  • கசப்பு
  • ஸ்கேப்பிங்
  • ஸ்கேபிள்
  • சிரங்கு
  • சொறி, சிரங்கு உடைய
  • ஸ்கேப்ஸ்
  • கீறல்
  • துருவல்

English usage of ખંજવાળ

  • the bite itched like crazy
  • Historically, Hildegard of Bingen referred to itch mites in her Physika, published in the twelfth century.
  • the bite itched like crazy
  • dry, itchy skin
  • dry, itchy skin
  • the bite itched like crazy
  • dry, itchy skin
  • she rested her scabbed fingers on his arm
  • she rested her scabbed fingers on his arm
  • her fingers were worn and scabby
  • she rested her scabbed fingers on his arm
  • Consequently malaria, diarrhoea, scabies and respiratory diseases are rife.
  • There were still flowers in plenty, pink campion, toadflax, small blue scabious , honeysuckle, and six-inch mushrooms, inedible no doubt, but the blackberries were ripe and juicy enough to quench thirst.
  • she rested her scabbed fingers on his arm
  • Rose's fingers were numb from the cold, white with sharply marked red tips, and they stung bitterly as she dug them into his scratchy coat.
  • Rose's fingers were numb from the cold, white with sharply marked red tips, and they stung bitterly as she dug them into his scratchy coat.
  • the car's paintwork was battered and scratched
  • they have constructed the walls and are now thatching the roof
  • they have constructed the walls and are now thatching the roof

Antonyms of ‘ખંજવાળ

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