
Meaning of ખમીર in Tamil

  • புளிப்பு
  • புளித்த
  • புளிப்பு இல்லாத
  • லீவன்ஸ்
  • ஈஸ்ட்
  • ஈஸ்டிங்

English usage of ખમીર

  • leavened breads are forbidden during Passover
  • leavened breads are forbidden during Passover
  • everything will be made with natural leavening and wholegrain flour
  • leavened breads are forbidden during Passover
  • The yeast cells in the envelope of yeast are the cells that do the work in your loaf of bread.
  • the yeasty smell of rising dough

Antonyms of ‘ખમીર

Articles Related to ‘ખમીર

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