Meaning of નારાજ in Tamil
- கோபம்
- சிதைந்த
- குழப்பத்தை உண்டுபண்ணக்கூடிய
- அதிருப்தி
- முரண்பட்டது
- விடுவிக்கப்பட்டது
- விநியோகிக்கப்பட்டது
- விரும்பத்தகாத
- தொலைதூர
- புண்படுத்தியது
- ஆத்திரமடைந்தார்
- மனக்கசப்பு
- விரைவானது
- பாதுகாப்பற்றது
Meaning of નારાજ in English
English usage of નારાજ
- I got very annoyed watching the film
- they would try to decoy the enemy toward the hidden group
- Keith looked momentarily disconcerted
- strikes by discontented workers
- piecing together disjointed fragments of information
- the tone of the letter displeased him
- the tone of the letter displeased him
- it was not entirely displeasing to be the center of such a drama
- she sounded slightly offended
- she resented the fact that I had children
- he was angry and resentful of their intrusion
- the sound was not unpleasing
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