he performed cleansing rituals at a botanica he owned in Montebello
a botanical illustrator
he performed cleansing rituals at a botanica he owned in Montebello
Modelling of plant growth and architecture relies on biological assumptions borrowed from botany and crop physiology.
Modelling of plant growth and architecture relies on biological assumptions borrowed from botany and crop physiology.
Accessory minerals include earthy aggregates of clay minerals and botryoidal or stalactitic manganese oxides.
Always lusciously sweet, these wines are made from grapes infected by botrytis , or ‘noble rot,’ which concentrates the sugars and lends aromas of honey and apricots.
Dr Edmiston explained how anthrax, smallpox variola virus, botulism , and pneumonic plague fit the criteria.
He finds himself drawn on a journey involving phrenology , the dodgy science of determining mental prowess from bumps on the head, involving a machine called a psychograph.