Meaning of સજીવ in Tamil
- உயிருள்ள
- உறுப்பு
- கரிம
- இயல்பான தன்மை
- ஆர்கானிசம்
- கரிமத்தன்மை
- உயிரினங்கள்
- உயிரின
- உயிரின ரீதியாக
- கரிமவியல்
- உயிரினம்
- உறுப்புகள்
Meaning of સજીવ in English
English usage of સજીવ
- the desert is like a line drawing waiting to be animated with color
- organically enriched soil
- Much of his work at Harvard focused on metaphysics, especially his emphasis on organicism and process.
- Green plants are the only organisms in the natural world that can make their own food.
- As the cathedral organist , he lived just beside it in a lovely old Georgian house.
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