Meaning of સમજવું in Tamil
- மதிப்பீடு
- உறுதிப்படுத்துங்கள்
- புரிந்து கொள்ளுங்கள்
- புரிந்துகொள்ளுதல்
- விவேகம்
- புலனுணர்வு
- உணர
- பார்வையாளர்
- பார்வையாளர்கள்
- உணர்தல்
- கவனியுங்கள்
- கவனித்தல்
- புரிந்து
Meaning of સમજવું in English
English usage of સમજવું
- the sheriff was to apprize the value of the lands
- I can discern no difference between the two policies
- he was quick to perceive that there was little future in such arguments
- he was quick to perceive that there was little future in such arguments
- he has spent countless hours in libraries perusing art history books and catalogues
- he has spent countless hours in libraries perusing art history books and catalogues
- he didn't understand a word I said
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