
Meaning of સાહસિક in Tamil

  • சாகச
  • சாகசமானது
  • சாகசக்காரர்
  • சாகசக்காரர்கள்
  • சாகசமாக
  • சாகசங்கள்
  • கடினமான
  • தொழில்முனைவு
  • நிறுவனமற்றது
  • தொழில்முனைவோர்
  • துணிகர
  • துணிச்சலான

English usage of સાહસિક

  • my adventures were always adventitious, always thrust on me
  • they had adventured into the forest
  • Four young adventurers play hide and seek in the country home of an old professor, where they stumble upon an enchanted wardrobe that will take them places they never dreamed.
  • Four young adventurers play hide and seek in the country home of an old professor, where they stumble upon an enchanted wardrobe that will take them places they never dreamed.
  • three adventuresome, energetic boys
  • Fabre went on to attack women's clubs, claiming, to much applause, that they were composed of ‘ adventuresses , wandering female knights, emancipated girls, and amazons'.
  • let's be adventurous
  • The two intermediate species are estimated to weigh between 200 and 500 kg and include Maleevosaurus novojilovi, a carnivore, and Gallimimus bullatus, an edentulous putative omnivore.
  • some enterprising teachers have started their own recycling programs
  • Some corporate venturers contend that a strategic focus can reduce risk, thanks simply to a company's knowledge of the business.
  • Some corporate venturers contend that a strategic focus can reduce risk, thanks simply to a company's knowledge of the business.
  • Thirdly, there was a committed regular audience, which was venturesome and unafraid of risk.

Antonyms of ‘સાહસિક

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