
Meaning of સ્થાનિક in Tamil

  • நான்காம் வேற்றுமை
  • எண்டெமியல்
  • உள்ளூர்
  • எண்டெமிக்ஸ்
  • உள்ளூர்மயமாக்கல்
  • உள்ளூர்மயமாக்கப்பட்டது
  • உள்ளூர்வாசிகள்
  • கண்டுபிடிக்கக்கூடியது
  • இருப்பிடம்
  • இடம்
  • அமைந்துள்ளது
  • உள்ளூரில்
  • மேற்பூச்சு
  • வடமொழி

English usage of સ્થાનિક

  • The particular example of ‘word rage’ that Bob cited involves one of these missing datives .
  • complacency is endemic in industry today
  • Most species of Metagentiana are herbaceous local endemics growing in alpine scrub, meadows and coniferous forests.
  • the local post office
  • symptoms include localized pain and numbness
  • symptoms include localized pain and numbness
  • A locative is essential to any expression involving put; even if the intended location is evident from the context, the locative may not be omitted.
  • A locative is essential to any expression involving put; even if the intended location is evident from the context, the locative may not be omitted.
  • a wide variety of subjects of topical interest
  • he wrote in the vernacular to reach a larger audience

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