Meaning of સ્થિર in Tamil
- இடம்பெயர்ந்தது
- உறைபனி
- உறைய
- உறைந்திருக்கும்
- முடக்கம்
- உறைந்த
- உறைந்த இதயமுள்ள
- அசையாத
- அசையாதவை
- அசையாதது
- அசையாமை
- அசையா
- அசைவற்ற
- நகரக்கூடியது
- அமைத்தல்
- நிலை
- உறுதிப்படுத்த
- உறுதிப்படுத்தப்பட்டது
- உறுதிப்படுத்துதல்
- உறுதியாக்கிறது
- நிலைப்படுத்தி
- நிலையான
- நிலையானது
- நிலைப்படுத்துதல்
- உறுதிப்படுத்தவும்
- தேக்கநிலை
- தடுமாறும்
- தேங்கி நிற்கும்
- தேங்கி நிற்கிறது
- தேக்கம்
- தேக்கமடைந்தது
- படிக்கட்டுகள்
- உறுதியுடன்
- தனித்து நிற்கும்
- ஸ்டானைட்
- ஸ்டேட்டரி
- நிறுத்தப்பட்டுள்ளது
- நிலைத்திருந்தது
- நிலைகள்
- ஸ்டெர்
- இன்னும் சீரான
- இன்னும்
- இன்னும் நிற்க
- ஸ்டில்கள்
- இயல்பாக
- ஸ்டோலிட்
- முட்டாள்தனமான
- முடக்கு
- மொழிபெயர்க்க முடியாதது
Meaning of સ્થિર in English
English usage of સ્થિર
- in the winter the milk froze
- in the winter the milk froze
- she sat immobile for a long time
- I want you to immobilize their vehicle
- I want you to immobilize their vehicle
- I want you to immobilize their vehicle
- I want you to immobilize their vehicle
- I want you to immobilize their vehicle
- Chinese kings would immolate vast numbers of animals
- Chinese kings would immolate vast numbers of animals
- Many of these immotile spermatids are dislodged from the spermatheca and swept away as oocytes parade through the reproductive tract.
- they stripped the town of all movable objects and fled
- a conveniently situated hotel
- Calder - genius, creator of the mobile and the stabile - was a splendidly practical character.
- the craft was stabilized by throwing out the remaining ballast
- the craft was stabilized by throwing out the remaining ballast
- the craft was stabilized by throwing out the remaining ballast
- the craft was stabilized by throwing out the remaining ballast
- the craft was stabilized by throwing out the remaining ballast
- the craft was stabilized by throwing out the remaining ballast
- the craft was stabilized by throwing out the remaining ballast
- specially designed dinghies that are very stable
- With time running down, the commission said management must develop alternative plans for stabling horses, including opening talks with Delaware Park, if Laurel is unready for training.
- Although the problem was not thought to be serious at the time, trainer Willie Mullins admitted on Sunday that he was concerned about the horse, a stablemate of Florida Pearl.
- specially designed dinghies that are very stable
- specially designed dinghies that are very stable
- a stagy melodramatic voice
- a stagnant ditch
- Pointed out was the fact that due to the closure of these sluice gates there was no flow of water, resulting in water stagnating in the khazan lands.
- Pointed out was the fact that due to the closure of these sluice gates there was no flow of water, resulting in water stagnating in the khazan lands.
- the rapidly stagnating flood water
- demand has grown in what was a fairly static market
- a car collided with a stationary vehicle
- troops were stationed in the town
- stative verbs in Chinese can receive present tense interpretation
- you wish to have him superseded and to be appointed in his stead
- by the beginning of May prices had steadied
- he refilled her glass with a steady hand
- he refilled her glass with a steady hand
- you wish to have him superseded and to be appointed in his stead
- by the beginning of May prices had steadied
- she's the one steadying influence in his life
- songster
- the din in the hall stilled
- the stilly night
- the din in the hall stilled
- a stolid bourgeois gent
- I slowly unfroze my jaws and opened my mouth to speak.
- larvae remain unfrozen under the ice
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