
Meaning of હાલાકી in Tamil

  • திகைப்பு
  • தொந்தரவு
  • வாழ்விடம்
  • பாதிப்பு
  • ஏளனம்
  • கசப்பு
  • கசைகள்
  • வேதனை
  • கைக்கூலி

English usage of હાલાકી

  • they were dismayed by the U-turn in policy
  • Heisenberg had already habilitated at the University of Göttingen
  • scofflaws who have accumulated large debts in unpaid parking tickets
  • political methods used to scourge and oppress workers
  • political methods used to scourge and oppress workers
  • political methods used to scourge and oppress workers
  • she stooged around in the bathroom for a while

Antonyms of ‘હાલાકી

Articles Related to ‘હાલાકી

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