
Meaning of முன்கூட்டியே in Tamil

  • முன்கூட்டியே

Meaning of முன்கூட்டியே in English

English usage of முன்கூட்டியே

  • the troops advanced on the capital
  • this lull foreboded some new assault upon him
  • the bank was threatening to foreclose on his mortgage
  • the bank was threatening to foreclose on his mortgage
  • assistance for mortgage borrowers facing foreclosure
  • the bank was threatening to foreclose on his mortgage
  • the bank was threatening to foreclose on his mortgage
  • assistance for mortgage borrowers facing foreclosure
  • the policy is foredoomed to failure
  • the policy is foredoomed to failure
  • so Abdulmelik went away to his house, whither he found that the money had foregone him
  • poets dream of lives foregone in worlds fantastical
  • the forenoon watch
  • the vast inquietude that foreruns the storm
  • the vast inquietude that foreruns the storm
  • we did not foresee any difficulties
  • Public art will soon feature on the water tank on the foreshore at Bluff Point.
  • astrologers that future fates foreshow
  • he spoke impromptu
  • precancerous skin lesions
  • precast concrete beams
  • Finally, what is the incentive of accountants to follow the precatory guidance of the organisation?
  • the orbits of Earth and Mars slowly precess around the sun
  • beyond the precincts of my own family, I am quite inhibited
  • beyond the precincts of my own family, I am quite inhibited
  • the secret nature of his work precluded official recognition
  • the preclusion of regional parties reflects the obsession of the national-based parties
  • he was a precocious, solitary boy
  • the same set of facts can be tailored to fit any preconceived belief
  • beliefs and values that are on a preconscious level
  • precooked frozen dinners
  • precut pieces of cloth
  • predacious insects
  • predacious insects
  • this letter predates her illness
  • this letter predates her illness
  • this letter predates her illness
  • this letter predates her illness
  • the predawn light was just beginning to show through
  • his second wife predeceased him
  • predestinarian theology
  • Calvinists believed that every person was predestined by God to go to heaven or to hell
  • political or predial sources of discontent
  • lack of exercise may predispose an individual to high blood pressure
  • lack of exercise may predispose an individual to high blood pressure
  • lack of exercise may predispose an individual to high blood pressure
  • he was predoomed by the decrees of heaven
  • Many terracotta figurines survive from civilizations of the Stone Age, predynastic Egypt, and ancient Crete.
  • the government preempted a coup attempt
  • the commission had the right of preemption
  • the government preempted a coup attempt
  • the government preempted a coup attempt
  • the sun can cause premature aging
  • premeditated murder
  • premeditated murder
  • the reforms were premised on our findings
  • In my last project i ran across a problem trying to premultiply in fusion.
  • prenuptial pregnancy
  • A nurse practitioner performs the preoperative history and physical examination.
  • a divinely preordained plan of creation
  • prepaid health plans
  • prepaid health plans
  • Rogers missed almost all the preseason
  • some points of conduct we advisedly pretermit
  • some points of conduct we advisedly pretermit
  • some points of conduct we advisedly pretermit
  • James prorogued Parliament in 1685 and ruled without it

Synonyms of ‘முன்கூட்டியே

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