
Meaning of అజీర్తి in Tamil

  • டிஸ்பாரூனியா
  • டிஸ்ஸ்பெசியா
  • டிஸ்ஸ்பெஸி
  • டிஸ்ஸ்பெப்டிக்
  • டிஸ்பெப்டிகல்
  • டிஸ்பெப்டிக்ஸ்
  • டிஸ்பீமியா
  • டிஸ்ப்னியா
  • டிஸ்ப்னியாஸ்
  • அசாதாரண
  • அசிங்கமாக

English usage of అజీర్తి

  • Inflammatory bowel disease and irritable bowel syndrome may cause dyspareunia , but they are more often associated with other diagnoses of chronic pelvic pain.
  • A 51 year old woman was referred by her general practitioner with longstanding dyspepsia and reflux worsened by alcohol and bread.
  • Four randomised controlled trials have confirmed that H pylori ‘test and treat’ is more cost effective than endoscopy, and many guidelines now recommend this approach for young dyspeptic patients.
  • many soldiers presented with acute dyspnea
  • many soldiers presented with acute dyspnea
  • a charity for the relief of indigent artists

Antonyms of ‘అజీర్తి

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