Meaning of అద్భుతమైన in Tamil
- ஆச்சரியமாக இருக்கிறது
- மட்டுப்படுத்தப்பட்ட
- அற்புதமானது
- அற்புதமான
- அற்புதமான தன்மை
- அருமையானது
- ஆடம்பரமான
- மிகச்சிறந்த
- சிறப்பானது
- காலண்ட்
- துணிச்சலான
- அழகான
- மகிமை
- அற்புதமாக
- அற்புதம்
- அற்புத
- அற்பமான
- மெண்டசியஸ்
- குறிப்பிடத்தக்க
- குறிப்பிடத்தக்க வகையில்
- அதிசயம்
- உற்சாகமான
- கண்கவர்
- பார்வையாளர்
- ஸ்டானஸ்
- அதிர்ச்சியூட்டும்
- பிரம்மாண்டமான
- பிரமாதமான
- சூப்பர் குளோரியஸ்
- சூப்பர்
- பயங்கர
- வியக்கத்தக்கது
Meaning of అద్భుతమైన in English
English usage of అద్భుతమైన
- an amazing number of people registered
- fabulous riches
- your support has been fantastic
- What made him the leading composer of the period, and what led the Leipzig town council to seek him first as their new cantor before settling on Bach as their third choice, was the style galant grace of his music.
- They have shot, fished, golfed and gallanted together.
- a tall, gaunt woman in black
- Emily especially had a gleesome delight in these nooks of beauty her reserve for the time vanished.
- the most glorious victory of all time
- a dramatic landscape of magnificent mountains
- the magnificently decorated Great Hall
- marvelous technological toys
- marvelous technological toys
- mendacious propaganda
- a munificent gesture
- her footsteps were heavy and ponderous
- the stove consumed a prodigious amount of fuel
- a flushed and spectacled young woman
- spectacular mountain scenery
- The 1930s became the classic decade of Imperial spectaculars .
- The luster of local material varies from splendent metallic to dull and ocherous.
- a splendid view of Windsor Castle
- the ceiling is splendidly decorated
- a splendiferous Sunday dinner
- For example, sodium fluoride, calcium fluoride, and stannous fluoride are all used to help reduce tooth decay.
- a stupendous display of technique
- there was a terrific bang
- the climate was wonderful all the year round
- this wondrous city
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