Meaning of అసమానత in Tamil
- சமச்சீரற்ற தன்மை
- ஒற்றுமை
- முரண்பாடு
- ஒத்திசைவு
- ஏற்றத்தாழ்வு
- அவமதிப்பு
- முறையற்ற தன்மை
- சிதைவு
- கலைத்தல்
- சமச்சீரின்மை
- பொருத்தமற்ற தன்மை
- ஒப்பிடமுடியாத தன்மை
- இணக்கமின்மை
- சமத்துவமற்றது
- சமத்துவமற்ற
- சமத்துவமின்மை
- ஒத்திசைவற்ற
- எதிரொலிக்கும்
- இணையற்ற தன்மை
- ஒற்றையான
- முரண்பாடுகள்
- பொருந்தாத தன்மை
- சமமற்ற தன்மை
- சமமற்றது
- சமநிலையற்றது
- தகுதியற்ற தன்மை
- தெளிவற்ற
- சீரற்ற தன்மை
- பொருத்தமற்றது
- ஒப்பற்ற
- ஒழுங்கற்ற தன்மை
- உண்மையற்ற தன்மை
Meaning of అసమానత in English
English usage of అసమానత
- gravitational asymmetries had pulled the sphere out of shape
- The passages from the specification set out above do not demonstrate any disconformity .
- we will become evermore a nation of social disharmony
- economic disparities between different regions of the country
- there is a disproportion between the scale of expenditure and any benefit that could possibly result
- Reactions in which atoms of the same element are both oxidized and reduced are disproportionation reactions.
- the similarity or dissimilarity between humans and other animals
- in “pilgrim,” from Latin “peregrinus,” the first “r” is dissimilated to “l.”
- in “pilgrim,” from Latin “peregrinus,” the first “r” is dissimilated to “l.”
- Now there is a compelling formulation of the principle of Anglican comprehensiveness - ‘manifold and yet harmonious dissimilitude ’!
- an attempt at dissimulation
- Possibly the most significative feature of these models is the very basic importance of dissymmetries .
- In the name of the sick whose inequality we lament, we would become inegalitarian supporters of litmus tests for human dignity.
- the widening inequalities in income
- policies aimed at redressing racial inequity
- The shell is strongly inequivalve , the ventral valve being convex and the dorsal one only slightly arched, except for the fold, resulting in an almost opercular aspect.
- The main problems to overcome by current diagnostic tools are very low signals, due to small protein contents and/or optically inhomogeneous media.
- it's odd that she didn't recognize me
- the bookies are offering odds of 8-1
- will these developments further unequalize the distribution of social capital?
- unequalized hi-fi sound
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