Meaning of ఆహ్లాదకరమైన in Tamil
- மகிழ்வளிக்கும்
- மகிழ்ச்சி
- இனிமையானது
- மனதிற்குகந்த
- இனிமை
- இனிப்புகள்
- மகிழ்ச்சியான
- மகிழ்ச்சிகரமான
- இன்பம்
Meaning of ఆహ్లాదకరమైన in English
English usage of ఆహ్లాదకరమైన
- a very pleasant evening
- a very pleasant evening
- a very pleasant evening
- after an exchange of pleasantries, I proceeded to outline a plan
- after an exchange of pleasantries, I proceeded to outline a plan
- the pleasing austerity of the surroundings
- I arrived in a mood of pleasurable anticipation
- tell me what will pleasure you
- she was absently pleating her skirt between her fingers
Synonyms of ‘ఆహ్లాదకరమైన’
Antonyms of ‘ఆహ్లాదకరమైన’
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