
Meaning of ఉత్సాహం in Tamil

  • தீவிரம்
  • என்டீல்
  • வசீகரி
  • உற்சாகம்
  • ஆர்வலர்கள்
  • மிகைப்படுத்தல்
  • ஆர்வம்
  • சுவைத்தல்
  • காமவெறி
  • தெம்பு, ஆற்றல் பேச்சு
  • ஆடம்பரம்
  • கவர்ச்சியூட்டும்
  • தூண்டுதல்
  • எழுச்சி
  • பெரும் ஆர்வம்
  • வைராக்கியம்
  • வைராக்கியங்கள்

English usage of ఉత్సాహం

  • they felt the stirrings of revolutionary ardor
  • they felt the stirrings of revolutionary ardor
  • she had been so enthralled by the adventure that she had hardly noticed the cold
  • she had been so enthralled by the adventure that she had hardly noticed the cold
  • their enthrallment with the supernatural
  • their enthrallment with the supernatural
  • “This place is superb!” she enthused
  • “This place is superb!” she enthused
  • few expressed enthusiasm about the current leaders
  • few expressed enthusiasm about the current leaders
  • a state of sexual excitation
  • her cheeks were flushed with excitement
  • a sense of youthful exuberance
  • he talked with all the fervor of a new convert
  • he talked with all the fervor of a new convert
  • he talked with all the fervor of a new convert
  • Recent findings on the sensitivity of primate olfaction and gustation to ethanol are consistent with this notion.
  • she sang it with gusto
  • she sang it with gusto
  • After the service, he rose to give the soldiers a pep talk and discuss the next morning's mission.
  • his reputation for arrogance and pomposity
  • sounds of revelry issued into the night
  • a tempting financial offer
  • an uppity sister-in-law
  • Kollo sings with supreme verve and flexibility
  • Laura brought a missionary zeal to her work
  • He says there have always been religious zealots , but modern technology has given them a lethal capacity.
  • he expressed concern about religious zealotry playing an increasing role in politics

Synonyms of ‘ఉత్సాహం

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