
Meaning of ఖండన in Tamil

  • குறுக்குவெட்டு
  • வெட்டும்
  • ஒன்றிணைந்தது
  • குறுக்குவெட்டுகள்
  • கண்டனங்கள்
  • மறுப்பு

English usage of ఖండన

  • occasionally the water table intersects the earth's surface, forming streams and lakes
  • the intersection of a plane and a cone
  • This innervation pattern is repeated in all three thoracic ganglia, and it appears that each of these intersegmental axons supplies the VACs of all three ganglia with NOS-containing collaterals.
  • Flanks of septa near interseptal spaces have higher, but more irregular, concentrations of Mg.
  • With so many people gone during the intersession , the Lammas gathering was fairly small.
  • interspersed between tragic stories are a few songs supplying comic relief

Antonyms of ‘ఖండన

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