Meaning of గోధుమ in Tamil
- பழுப்பு
- பழுப்பு நிறமானது
- பழுப்புத்தன்மை
- சக்கரம்
- கோதுமை
- அதிகப்படுத்தவே
Meaning of గోధుమ in English
English usage of గోధుమ
- an old brown coat
- a skillet in which food has been browned
- a brownish colored cat
- Other Iron Age crops included the more ancient emmer wheat (Triticum dicoccum, which was grown on light soils), bread wheat , oats, rye, peas, Celtic beans, and flax.
- Skylarks, wheatears , pipits and greylag geese fill any silences that remain.
- a wheaten loaf
- wheatmeal biscuits
- she took out her dagger and began to whet its blade in even, rhythmic strokes
- her husband is whetting his knife
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