Meaning of చెత్త in Tamil
- தனம்
- நொறுக்கப்பட்ட
- முட்டாள்தனம்
- முட்டாள்தனமான
- தந்திரமான
- உருபொருள்
- குப்பை
- குப்பைகள்
- அழுக்கு
- சிதறல்
- குப்பைத்தொட்டி
- மோசமான
- மோசமானவை
- மோசமானது
Meaning of చెత్త in English
English usage of చెత్త
- It was a difficult choice by anyone's reckoning: suffer the cackling of crapulent in-laws tanking themselves up on festive sherry, or make your excuses and leave the room to go and suffer the Christmas Supplement.
- I'm surprised to see Graham spouting crapulous nonsense like this
- streets filled with rubble and detritus
- With the exploding populace of the cities and its suburbs, household garbage and refuse is posing a serious threat.
- I'll just clean the muck off the windshield
- an alleyway high with rubbish
- he has pointedly rubbished professional estimates of the development and running costs
- he has pointedly rubbished professional estimates of the development and running costs
- rubbishy reality TV shows
- Julia sees herself as vaguely uneducated and slightly scatty
- there was pot, there was booze, but nobody really got trashed
- there was pot, there was booze, but nobody really got trashed
- there was pot, there was booze, but nobody really got trashed
- trashy novels and formulaic movies
- there was pot, there was booze, but nobody really got trashed
- trashy novels and formulaic movies
- this was not the time for a deep discussion—she was tired and she would be worsted
- Local historian and Keighley News columnist Ian Dewhirst says the mill was built - at a cost of £25,000 - in the 1870s by manufacturer James Collingham, for machine combing and spinning worsted yarns .
- this was not the time for a deep discussion—she was tired and she would be worsted
- this was not the time for a deep discussion—she was tired and she would be worsted
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