Meaning of నిరాకరణ in Tamil
- மறுப்பு
- மறுப்புத்திறன்
- உறுதிப்படுத்தல்
- காடழித்தல்
- மறுக்கக்கூடியது
- டிஸ்லாண்டர்
- தள்ளுபடி
- முரண்பாடு
- நீக்குதல்
- நீக்கம்
- நிரூபித்தல்
- அவமதிப்பு
- நீலிசம்
- நீலிஸ்டிக்
- நீலிமை
- மறுப்பவர்
- மறுக்க முடியாத தன்மை
Meaning of నిరాకరణ in English
English usage of నిరాకరణ
- denary numbers
- an attempt to denationalize the state monopolies
- I witnessed the denigration of anyone who failed to toe the line
- she braved her mother's disapprobation and slipped out to enjoy herself
- Jill replied with a hint of disapproval in her voice
- the novel carries the usual disclaimer about the characters bearing no relation to living persons
- the school disclaimed any responsibility for his death
- there should be confirmation—or negation—of the findings
- Those who rejected nihilism and stood against evil in the past lead the way.
- an embittered, nihilistic teenager
- Even the scientist, as an individual human being, may come face to face with nihility opening up to the ground of human existence itself.
- the establishment or refutal of factual claims
- the establishment or refutal of factual claims
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