Meaning of బట్టలు in Tamil
- மூடியது
- உறைகள்
- ஆடைகள்
- துணிமணிகள்
- துணிமணி
- துணி
- உறைந்த
- துணிகள்
- ஆடை
- உடையைக் கழற்று
- ஆடை களை
Meaning of బట్టలు in English
English usage of బట్టలు
- she cloaked herself in black
- a clothes shop
- MPs who railed against the destruction of traditional steel and coal industries are quite happy to see equally traditional farriers, clothiers , boot-makers, stables and kennels go to the wall.
- a cloth bag
- a cloture motion
- waterproof fabrics
- I went into the bathroom to get undressed
- I went into the bathroom to get undressed
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