Meaning of మట్టి in Tamil
- களிமண்
- சாய்
- கொத்து
- மண்
- சேறு
- பிட்சர்
- குடம்
- அழுக்கடைந்த
- மேல் மண்
- மேற்பரப்பு
Meaning of మట్టి in English
English usage of మట్టి
- One slope of the mound had clay loam soil and another had sandy loam.
- a curious bittersweetness that cloyed her senses
- the particles tend to clump together
- The stems can be blanched by earthing them up , which makes the astringent flavour milder.
- the hillside adjacent to the earthen dam
- an earthy smell
- they are trying to sling mud at me to cover up their defeat
- Carrying a glass pitcher full of dark-brown liquid, with a healthy head of foam on it, he places it and two drinking bowls before us.
- a soiled T-shirt
- to gain maximum benefit from subsoiling this operation needs to be done when the lower levels of the soil are relatively dry
- Wetland creation attempts are often initiated by the removal of upland surface soil materials exposing mineral subsoil strata.
- keep all the topsoil you remove; you're bound to find a use for it later!
- keep all the topsoil you remove; you're bound to find a use for it later!
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