Meaning of ముందుకు in Tamil
- முன்னால்
- முன்னோக்கி
- முன்னோடி
- முன்னோக்கு
- முன்னேற்றம்
- முன்னேற
- தொடர்ந்து
- ஓட்டு
- முன்னோக்கி தள்ள
Meaning of ముందుకు in English
English usage of ముందుకు
- he was striding ahead toward the stream
- the plants will bush out, putting forth fresh shoots
- he started up the engine and the car moved forward
- the scientists are forwarding the development of biotechnology
- I hope that my forwardness hasn't offended you
- acts in furtherance of an industrial dispute
- the ship was making very little headway against heavy seas
- she stumbled onward
- the boat is propelled by using a very long paddle
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