
Meaning of CONTRAST in Tamil


Use in sentences of மாறாக

    Meaning of CONTRAST in English

    • To stand in opposition; to exhibit difference, unlikeness, or opposition of qualities.
    • To set in opposition, or over against, in order to show the differences between, or the comparative excellences and defects of; to compare by difference or contrariety of qualities; as, to contrast the present with the past.
    • To give greater effect to, as to a figure or other object, by putting it in some relation of opposition to another figure or object.
    • The act of contrasting, or the state of being contrasted; comparison by contrariety of qualities.
    • Opposition or dissimilitude of things or qualities; unlikeness, esp. as shown by juxtaposition or comparison.
    • The opposition of varied forms, colors, etc., which by such juxtaposition more vividly express each other's peculiarities.

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