
Meaning of DEFILE in Tamil


Use in sentences of தீட்டுப்படுத்து

    Meaning of DEFILE in English

    • To march off in a line, file by file; to file off.
    • Same as Defilade.
    • Any narrow passage or gorge in which troops can march only in a file, or with a narrow front; a long, narrow pass between hills, rocks, etc.
    • The act of defilading a fortress, or of raising the exterior works in order to protect the interior. See Defilade.
    • To make foul or impure; to make filthy; to dirty; to befoul; to pollute.
    • To soil or sully; to tarnish, as reputation; to taint.
    • To injure in purity of character; to corrupt.
    • To corrupt the chastity of; to debauch; to violate.
    • To make ceremonially unclean; to pollute.

    Synonyms of ‘தீட்டுப்படுத்து

    Antonyms of ‘தீட்டுப்படுத்து

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