
Meaning of DUCK in Tamil


Use in sentences of வாத்து

    Meaning of DUCK in English

    • A pet; a darling.
    • A linen (or sometimes cotton) fabric, finer and lighter than canvas, -- used for the lighter sails of vessels, the sacking of beds, and sometimes for men's clothing.
    • The light clothes worn by sailors in hot climates.
    • To thrust or plunge under water or other liquid and suddenly withdraw.
    • To plunge the head of under water, immediately withdrawing it; as, duck the boy.
    • To bow; to bob down; to move quickly with a downward motion.
    • To go under the surface of water and immediately reappear; to dive; to plunge the head in water or other liquid; to dip.
    • To drop the head or person suddenly; to bow.
    • Any bird of the subfamily Anatinae, family Anatidae.
    • A sudden inclination of the bead or dropping of the person, resembling the motion of a duck in water.

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