
Meaning of INDENTATION in Tamil


Use in sentences of உள்தள்ளல்

    Meaning of INDENTATION in English

    • The act of indenting or state of being indented.
    • A notch or recess, in the margin or border of anything; as, the indentations of a leaf, of the coast, etc.
    • A recess or sharp depression in any surface.
    • The act of beginning a line or series of lines at a little distance within the flush line of the column or page, as in the common way of beginning the first line of a paragraph.
    • The measure of the distance; as, an indentation of one em, or of two ems.

    Synonyms of ‘உள்தள்ளல்

    Antonyms of ‘உள்தள்ளல்

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