
Meaning of NICE in Tamil


Use in sentences of அருமை

    Meaning of NICE in English

    • Foolish; silly; simple; ignorant; also, weak; effeminate.
    • Of trifling moment; nimportant; trivial.
    • Overscrupulous or exacting; hard to please or satisfy; fastidious in small matters.
    • Delicate; refined; dainty; pure.
    • Apprehending slight differences or delicate distinctions; distinguishing accurately or minutely; carefully discriminating; as, a nice taste or judgment.
    • Done or made with careful labor; suited to excite admiration on account of exactness; evidencing great skill; exact; fine; finished; as, nice proportions, nice workmanship, a nice application; exactly or fastidiously discriminated; requiring close discrimination; as, a nice point of law, a nice distinction in philosophy.
    • Pleasing; agreeable; gratifying; delightful; good; as, a nice party; a nice excursion; a nice person; a nice day; a nice sauce, etc.

    Antonyms of ‘அருமை

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