Chanakya Neeti with Chanakya Sutra Sahit - Tamil (சாணக்யா கொள்கை - சாணக்ய சூத்திரம் உட்பட)
One of the greatest figures of wisdom and knowledge in the Indian history is Chanakya. Chanakya is regarded as a great thinker and diplomat in India who is traditionally identified as Kautilya or Vishnu Gupta. Originally a professor of economics and

Chanakya Neeti with Chanakya Sutra Sahit - Tamil (சாணக்யா கொள்கை - சாணக்ய சூத்திரம் உட்பட)
One of the greatest figures of wisdom and knowledge in the Indian history is Chanakya. Chanakya is regarded as a great thinker and diplomat in India who is traditionally identified as Kautilya or Vishnu Gupta. Originally a professor of economics and

Shiv Puran in Tamil (சிவ புராணம்)
Puranas are almost like an encyclopaedia listing the human achievements in this part of the world till the time they were edited or compiled. In every cycle of time the master editor called Veda Vyas emerges to edit, vet and compile these records. Th

Shiv Puran in Tamil (சிவ புராணம்)
Puranas are almost like an encyclopaedia listing the human achievements in this part of the world till the time they were edited or compiled. In every cycle of time the master editor called Veda Vyas emerges to edit, vet and compile these records. Th