
Meaning of துன்பம் in Tamil

  • துன்பம்

English usage of துன்பம்

  • she overcame many adversities
  • serious ills afflict the industry
  • a crippling affliction of the nervous system
  • I was under assault by afflictive emotions—anger, fear, panic
  • to his distress he saw that she was trembling
  • I was distressed at the news of his death
  • he was distressed to find that Anna would not talk to him
  • some very distressing news
  • weapons that cause unnecessary suffering
  • advice for those who wish to save great sorrow and travail
  • Paul knew he had to labour like a woman weary after hours of labour pains to effect new life in people: ‘I travail again in birth.’
  • Paul knew he had to labour like a woman weary after hours of labour pains to effect new life in people: ‘I travail again in birth.’

Antonyms of ‘துன்பம்

ஒரு புத்தகத்தைப் படியுங்கள்