Meaning of தூண்டுதல்கள் in Tamil
Meaning of தூண்டுதல்கள் in English
English usage of தூண்டுதல்கள்
- the vivid evocation of stillness in the title poem
- It can also analyze flows created by assemblies with non-symmetrical enclosures, such as impellers and centrifugal pumps.
- hit the booster coil before the flywheel loses all its impetus
- Article I, Section 8 allows for the collection of ‘taxes, duties, imposts and excises’ but only ‘for revenue necessary’ to finance the government and not to protect any business or industry from international competition.
- I had an almost irresistible impulse to giggle
- the impulsion of the singers to govern the pace
- there are grounds for inquiring into the imputations of misconduct against him
- this amounted to an incitement to commit murder
- there is no inducement to wait for payment
- he was not the instigator of the incident
- Monica needed plenty of persuasion before she actually left
- Some commonly used medications include antidepressants, anti-psychotics and stimulants .
- the stimulation of a revolution in intelligence affairs
- areas of the brain which respond to auditory stimuli
- She is a real temptress , testing his chastity.
- We both use trigram analysis, but we aim ourselves at more serious users.
- If three letters together represent a single sound, they constitute a trigraph , such as tch in catch and sch in schmaltz.
Synonyms of ‘தூண்டுதல்கள்’
Antonyms of ‘தூண்டுதல்கள்’
Articles Related to ‘தூண்டுதல்கள்’
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