
Meaning of பகுத்தறிவு in Tamil

  • பகுத்தறிவு

English usage of பகுத்தறிவு

  • I'm sure there's a perfectly rational explanation
  • he explained the rationale behind the change
  • she couldn't rationalize her urge to return to the cottage
  • they justify themselves with ingenious rationalizations
  • she couldn't rationalize her urge to return to the cottage
  • she couldn't rationalize her urge to return to the cottage
  • scientific rationalism
  • like any phobia, rationality plays only a small role
  • they justify themselves with ingenious rationalizations
  • she couldn't rationalize her urge to return to the cottage
  • she couldn't rationalize her urge to return to the cottage
  • the wealth generated by world markets has not been rationally or fairly distributed
  • she couldn't rationalize her urge to return to the cottage
  • he explained the reasoning behind his decision at a media conference

Antonyms of ‘பகுத்தறிவு

ஒரு புத்தகத்தைப் படியுங்கள்