Meaning of અમલ in Tamil
- அமல்
- அமெல்
- செயல்படுத்துகிறது
- செயல்படுத்தப்பட்டது
- மரணதண்டனை
- செயல்படுத்து
- செயல்படுத்த
- செயல்படுத்தும்
- செயல்படுத்துதல்
- மறுப்பு
Meaning of અમલ in English
English usage of અમલ
- Damages were being sought for compensation as a result of the council's negligent advice and not primarily to enforce a public law right.
- Damages were being sought for compensation as a result of the council's negligent advice and not primarily to enforce a public law right.
- they were execrated as dangerous and corrupt
- the corporation executed a series of financial deals
- he was fascinated by the entire operation and its execution
- the regulations implement a 1954 treaty
- the regulations implement a 1954 treaty
Articles Related to ‘અમલ’
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ஒரு புத்தகத்தைப் படியுங்கள்