
Meaning of ENFORCE in Tamil


Use in sentences of செயல்படுத்து

    Meaning of ENFORCE in English

    • To put force upon; to force; to constrain; to compel; as, to enforce obedience to commands.
    • To make or gain by force; to obtain by force; as, to enforce a passage.
    • To put in motion or action by violence; to drive.
    • To give force to; to strengthen; to invigorate; to urge with energy; as, to enforce arguments or requests.
    • To put in force; to cause to take effect; to give effect to; to execute with vigor; as, to enforce the laws.
    • To urge; to ply hard; to lay much stress upon.
    • To attempt by force.
    • To prove; to evince.
    • To strengthen; to grow strong.
    • Force; strength; power.

    Antonyms of ‘செயல்படுத்து

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