Meaning of குறும்பு in Tamil
Meaning of குறும்பு in English
English usage of குறும்பு
- I could have freaked out and started smashing the place up
- the teacher says the accident was a total freak
- this film is so freaking good
- freakish and mischievous elves
- skin that freckles easily
- skin that freckles easily
- she'll make sure Danny doesn't get into mischief
- two mischievous kittens had decorated the bed with shredded newspaper
- the book, mischievously titled "Confessions of a Nun"
- you've been a really naughty boy
- the individuals who were pranked thought they were auditioning to be a TV show host
- the individuals who were pranked thought they were auditioning to be a TV show host
- April Fool's Day is celebrated here but the pranking continues on May 1st
- flashes of prankish humor
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