
Meaning of சோம்பேறி in Tamil

  • சோம்பேறி

English usage of சோம்பேறி

  • They who never go to the Holy Land in their walks, as they pretend, are indeed mere idlers and vagabonds; but they who do go there are saunterers in the good sense, such as I mean.
  • she spent the day at home, reading the papers and generally lazing around
  • she spent the day at home, reading the papers and generally lazing around
  • I'm very lazy by nature
  • I'm very lazy by nature
  • she yawned lazily in the luxurious comfort of her bed
  • she spent the day at home, reading the papers and generally lazing around
  • I'm very lazy by nature
  • Looks to me like you're the lurdan here.

Antonyms of ‘சோம்பேறி

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