
Meaning of தகுதி in Tamil

  • தகுதி

English usage of தகுதி

  • the referee deserves a pat on the back for his bravery
  • the dignity of labor
  • your eligibility for benefits will depend on your income
  • the results have been encouraging enough to merit further investigation
  • the results have been encouraging enough to merit further investigation
  • progress towards meritocracy was slow
  • progress towards meritocracy was slow
  • we adopt a meritocratic approach meaning we reward top performers
  • his hands held in a placatory gesture
  • only one qualification required—a fabulous sense of humor
  • newly qualified nurses
  • he is now 14 and trying to become the youngest qualifier for a PGA Tour event
  • he is now 14 and trying to become the youngest qualifier for a PGA Tour event
  • the day starts with as many as five dozen racers running in the qualifying
  • they do not qualify for compensation payments
  • you proved your worthiness as a leader

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