
Meaning of துறவி in Tamil

  • துறவி

English usage of துறவி

  • In the 1200's, members of new religious orders, called friars , began to work among the people.
  • Secular idleness would have little meaning in solitude, and the religious contemplation of the hermit or monk is not in question here.
  • a monastic order
  • Weber's texts also employ the typology to distinguish the asceticism of medieval monastics from that of Calvinism.
  • I've just got a munk on tonight—no real reason for it
  • this congregation of Cluny was the first great monkish order in the West
  • she has turned into a virtual recluse
  • she's a saint to go on living with that man

Antonyms of ‘துறவி

Articles Related to ‘துறவி

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