
Meaning of தெளிவான in Tamil

  • தெளிவான

English usage of தெளிவான

  • a bespectacled, studious youth
  • a medicine to lay to sore and blear eyes
  • you hate to face the world with bleary, tear-soaked, itching eyes
  • he didn't tell me about it and I'm not clairvoyant
  • we now had a clear-cut objective
  • write in a clear and lucid style
  • The incongruous grove that now adorned Satan's private demesne in Hades, and stood out like a radiant halo on a lucifugous demon, was a poignant reminder to Stan of the need to contain his wrath when he was 'on-line'.
  • officials getting their hands grubby with filthy lucre
  • a pair of lurid shorts
  • a palpable sense of loss
  • it offers quite a few facts to the perspicacious reporter
  • it provides simpler and more perspicuous explanations than its rivals
  • this horse has a placid nature
  • an unequivocal answer
  • memories of that evening were still vivid
  • memories of that evening were still vivid

Synonyms of ‘தெளிவான

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