
Meaning of பளபளப்பான in Tamil

  • பளபளப்பான

English usage of பளபளப்பான

  • He and his troops were well-equipped with glaives , maces, battle axes, and long bows.
  • Friedrich's ‘Landscape with a View of Mt Milleschauer’, possibly unfinished, is a desolate near-abstract without figures or even more than notional vegetation, in five dismal glaucous shades.
  • glittery jewels
  • the social costs of this growth are glossed over
  • thick, glossy, manageable hair
  • thick, glossy, manageable hair
  • thick, glossy, manageable hair
  • the demeanor of Mathews is rather glozed over
  • the moon was lucent in the background
  • shiny hair
  • shiny hair
  • Take Scottish shinty and Irish hurling and divvy up a fair compromise to create a composite set of rules incorporating both traditions finer points.
  • shiny hair
  • unglazed porcelain

Antonyms of ‘பளபளப்பான

Articles Related to ‘பளபளப்பான

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