
Meaning of பிளவு in Tamil

  • பிளவு

English usage of பிளவு

  • I won't blither on too much about the job itself
  • his game of bluff
  • The movie also shows a panoramic view of the mountains, deep chasms and valleys going into oblivion and the sounds of crackling icicles and snowstorms.
  • a system dominated by the class cleavage
  • the large axe his father used to cleave wood for the fire
  • the third peak is divided from the eastern one by a deep cleft
  • transparency will enhance development rather than social divisiveness
  • the party dissolved into fission and acrimony
  • these heavy nuclei can also fission
  • the skin becomes dry, fissured, and cracked
  • the skin becomes dry, fissured, and cracked
  • the wind had torn open a rift in the clouds
  • the widening schism between Church leaders and politicians
  • make a slit in the stem under a bud
  • we learned how to weave and splice ropes
  • The inner rotor portion of the pump is splined to one output on the axle and the outer drum portion of the pump is splined to the other.
  • she had to wear splints on her legs
  • a splinter of ice
  • light squeezed through a small split in the curtain
  • the rear wheels splurted gravel
  • she coughed and spluttered, tears coursing down her face

Synonyms of ‘பிளவு

Antonyms of ‘பிளவு

Articles Related to ‘பிளவு

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