
Meaning of பேரழிவு in Tamil

  • பேரழிவு

English usage of பேரழிவு

  • an era of ecological apocalypse
  • such calamitous events as fires, hurricanes, and floods
  • the journey had led to calamity and ruin
  • Meanwhile, across the globe, there are thousands of families like his: slowly rebuilding, trying to make sense of a natural cataclysm which changed their lives forever.
  • Eventually the entire surface founders in a cataclysmic event, leading to volcanic resurfacing on a global scale, followed by tectonic deformation of some areas as the new surface settles down.
  • Meanwhile, across the globe, there are thousands of families like his: slowly rebuilding, trying to make sense of a natural cataclysm which changed their lives forever.
  • Could there be a better place to pause in that sentence; isn't it almost an absurdly early catastasis , or the foreshadowing of catastasis?
  • a national economic catastrophe
  • a catastrophic earthquake
  • This catastrophism was, on the evidence available, an attractive idea, but there was no discussion of the source of the energy to bring these upheavals about, nor any explanation of why and where they occurred as they did.
  • tropical forests are being catastrophically destroyed
  • bad weather has devastated the tourist industry
  • bad weather has devastated the tourist industry
  • the floods caused widespread devastation
  • 159 people died in the disaster
  • a furious storm dismasted his ship
  • fuel was spilling out of the damaged wing and the aircraft was doomed

Antonyms of ‘பேரழிவு

ஒரு புத்தகத்தைப் படியுங்கள்