
Meaning of வளைந்த in Tamil

  • வளைந்த

English usage of வளைந்த

  • high arched windows
  • a piece of bent wire
  • the dog finally croaked in 1987
  • he crocked a shoulder
  • his teeth were yellow and crooked
  • the female vocalist crooned smoky blues into the microphone
  • birds with long curved bills
  • It took me some time for the A.G. and myself to get rid of the curvetting dogs, prone as they are to rushing in figures of eight through the house, after which I tried to find Miss Cat, who was not to be had.
  • the parched earth
  • the car had skewed across the track
  • grilled skewered meat served on couscous with grilled vegetables

Antonyms of ‘வளைந்த

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