
Meaning of வாதம் in Tamil

  • வாதம்

English usage of வாதம்

  • It won't do to argufy, I tell you
  • heated arguments over public spending
  • lines of argumentation used to support his thesis
  • a kind of palsy had seized him
  • a kind of palsy had seized him
  • she feels as if the muscles on her face are palsied
  • There was only one plaint in the District Court but two appeals in the Court of Appeal.
  • The mouth of the pig is open and she sees a row of small wet teeth as the head moves round towards her and there is something damp, like rheum , on both its cheeks.
  • The old rheumy eyes swivel audibly away from the mushroom cloud of dust now settling near the fireplace.

Antonyms of ‘வாதம்

    ஒரு புத்தகத்தைப் படியுங்கள்