
Meaning of MONK in Tamil


Use in sentences of துறவி

    Meaning of MONK in English

    • A man who retires from the ordinary temporal concerns of the world, and devotes himself to religion; one of a religious community of men inhabiting a monastery, and bound by vows to a life of chastity, obedience, and poverty.
    • A blotch or spot of ink on a printed page, caused by the ink not being properly distributed. It is distinguished from a friar, or white spot caused by a deficiency of ink.
    • A piece of tinder made of agaric, used in firing the powder hose or train of a mine.
    • A South American monkey (Pithecia monachus); also applied to other species, as Cebus xanthocephalus.
    • The European bullfinch.

    Antonyms of ‘துறவி

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