
Meaning of ALIGHT in Tamil


Use in sentences of இறங்கு

    Meaning of ALIGHT in English

    • To spring down, get down, or descend, as from on horseback or from a carriage; to dismount.
    • To descend and settle, lodge, rest, or stop; as, a flying bird alights on a tree; snow alights on a roof.
    • To come or chance (upon).
    • Lighted; lighted up; in a flame.
    • To spring down, get down, or descend, as from on horseback or from a carriage; to dismount.
    • To descend and settle, lodge, rest, or stop; as, a flying bird alights on a tree; snow alights on a roof.
    • To come or chance (upon).
    • Lighted; lighted up; in a flame.

    Antonyms of ‘இறங்கு

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