
Meaning of BUILD in Tamil


Use in sentences of கட்ட

    Meaning of BUILD in English

    • To erect or construct, as an edifice or fabric of any kind; to form by uniting materials into a regular structure; to fabricate; to make; to raise.
    • To raise or place on a foundation; to form, establish, or produce by using appropriate means.
    • To increase and strengthen; to increase the power and stability of; to settle, or establish, and preserve; -- frequently with up; as, to build up one's constitution.
    • To exercise the art, or practice the business, of building.
    • To rest or depend, as on a foundation; to ground one's self or one's hopes or opinions upon something deemed reliable; to rely; as, to build on the opinions or advice of others.
    • Form or mode of construction; general figure; make; as, the build of a ship.

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