
Meaning of COMPANION in Tamil


Use in sentences of துணை

    Meaning of COMPANION in English

    • One who accompanies or is in company with another for a longer or shorter period, either from choice or casually; one who is much in the company of, or is associated with, another or others; an associate; a comrade; a consort; a partner.
    • A knight of the lowest rank in certain orders; as, a companion of the Bath.
    • A fellow; -- in contempt.
    • A skylight on an upper deck with frames and sashes of various shapes, to admit light to a cabin or lower deck.
    • A wooden hood or penthouse covering the companion way; a companion hatch.
    • To be a companion to; to attend on; to accompany.
    • To qualify as a companion; to make equal.

    Antonyms of ‘துணை

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